Electronic Equipment Logbook and Use-Log Management

Enable Real-Time Equipment Use and Status Management with Electronic Logbook Solution
Paper-based equipment use-logs come with baggage. Many logs are not completed appropriately and may create GMP compliance issues. From operational and compliance perspectives, maintaining detailed logbooks that clearly identify all equipment activities and recordings is essential. For immediate access to equipment data for analytics, visualization, and continuous improvement, a digital solution is essential.
A robust and effective electronic equipment use-log must:
- Enable real-time data capture and equipment status management
- Have the end user at its core and support simple, guided entry for users of all capabilities
- Allow specific users to quickly view and analyze logbook data regardless of location or proximity
- Compliance with requirements for electronic records and signatures
- Enable data reporting and visualization to promote process improvement
Track, Record, Centralize
LogBook ensures the accurate and reliable communication of task-relevant information between shifts. This increases continuity, safety, and operational excellence. Incoming personnel are able to immediately ascertain facility status so that the new operators can quickly make correct decisions and execute proper actions. LogBook is ensuring operational excellence in a variety of industries including:
- Electric power plants
- Petrochemical plants
- Warehouse Operations
- Manufacturing
- Logistics
Solution Features
- Review by exception functionality
- Parameterization for form flexibility and reuse
- Biometric Authentication for Electronic Signatures
- Real-time visibility of all assets including status and attributes
- 1D/2D Barcode and QR Code Supported Entry

eLogBook - Electronic equipment use logs and logbooks

eForms - Electronic forms

Electronic batch execution workflows

eDatasheet - Manual Data Entry to PI

Richard Wagner

Sarah Spence

John Halpern

Tommy Atkins

John Joe

Richard Wagner

Sarah Spence

John Halpern

Tommy Atkins